Philip Davies
Philip Davies

Philip Davies has been the Conservative MP for the Shipley constituency since 2005, and within this period has consistently voted against decent and fair policies that even the majority of his own party have agreed with. The wider Shipley constituency has a large population of hard working, good natured and honest people – Philip Davies represents anything but this, voting for policies that harm the most vulnerable of even his own constituents. As well as this, his persistent use of filibustering (speaking until a bill has run out of time to be debated) means that he blocks out new legislation he doesn’t agree with, such as preventing caps on hospital parking charges for those visiting ill loved ones.

Below is a list of some of the most contentious ways in which he has consistently voted:

  • Voted against higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness/disability. Those entitled to these benefits are people that are unable to work through something that is most likely no fault of their own, and who probably would work if they could. Are they not entitled to a proper standard of living?
  • Voted against laws to promote equality and human rights.This includes voting against it being illegal to discriminate on the basis of caste – essentially their wealth and status at birth. Is it fair that someone who has worked hard to achieve all their life be discriminated against based upon their social origins?
  • Voted consistently to increase taxes on things that hit ordinary working people, like VAT, whilst voting against taxes on things like Banker’s Bonuses and increasing Corporation Tax. Philip Davies is a politician who works for the elite at the top of the financial chain. His voting history indicates that he has no care for the majority of his constituents. Is it right that the MP for Shipley, a place where there is a very small number of bankers receiving bonuses but a large number of people where a VAT increase would cause significant damage, votes for policies which benefit the former but not the latter?
  • Voted for higher regulation of trade union activity. Trade unions protect the workers of this country from exploitation, fighting for fair wages and working hours. Is greater regulation of these unions removing their ability to protest and therefore their ability to negotiate fair deals for employees.
  • Voted against gay rights and the right to marriage between two people of the same sex. Globally, social opinion on such rights has shifted a large amount over the past few decades. Philip Davies has consistently voted against giving other people the right to marriage based upon their sexual orientation. Is this a representative of the majority of Shipley constituents who aren’t stuck in a destructive, pre-1990s view of the world?
  • Voted against greater public control of rail and bus networks, and against slowing the rate of rail fare increases. Many of Shipley’s constituents use public transport to commute regularly. The costs of using such transportation is constantly increasing – much faster than wages are. Is it right that private companies can charge excessively high amounts for what is often a sub-standard service?

Members of Parliament are elected to represent the people within their constituency, not serve their own interests. Take the opportunity on the 8th June to have an MP for Shipley that truly represents the nature of its constituents.

Source of Voting Records –  They Work For You

24 Apr 2017

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